A review by bewithoutcontext
Noisy Outlaws, Unfriendly Blobs, and Some Other Things . . .: That Aren't as Scary, Maybe, Depending on How You Feel about Lost Lands, Stray Cellphone by McSweeney's Books


I liked a few of the stories in this collection a lot. Lemony Snicket's introduction was wonderful, Clement Freud's story, "Grimble" was really enjoyable, and George Saunders's "Lars Farf: Excessively Fearful Husband And Father" was hilarious. Neil Gaiman's piece was good, but not great, and Jonathan Safran Foer's piece was beautifully written, but not a very interesting story. The other short stories were mediocre and forgettable, which brought the collection down a bit. Overall, I'd recommend it for the four stories mentioned, but the others could all be skipped.