A review by rellwood74
The Pet Project by Amanda Milo


So this was the book that started my fore into the "Humans as Pets to Aliens" genre.

It's told in the first person POV of an alien scientist who is in charge of the "Pet Project", a scientific study in the procreation of human pets. Can't remember how the come across the people, but they end up with them on their planet and because the aliens are so big they see humans as we see dogs. As beloved pets. This scientist is in charge of four humans, a woman and three men. He is very excited and hopes that he is able to prove himself in the field. He hopes to breed the humans and get specific characteristics from them.

It is such a fun story when we see the humans from an aliens perspective. We can even hear the "pets" speak in "gibberish" but if you read carefully you can easily tell what they are saying.

Out alien scientist is having a hard time getting the "handsome" and docile male to mate with the female. He does everything he can, but the male just isn't interested. Is it his diet? Is he sick? No, what we find out that the alien can't understand is that he's gay. Meanwhile, there is another male who is kind of beat up and scarred, whom the scientist isn't too keen on getting to breed with the female, but it turns out that they really like each other.

This is a great read, and the following books in the series are fun as well. There are no real sex scenes, or violence. As soon as I was done with this one, I read the other three.

Now, I am hunting around for more of these "humans as pets" types of books.