A review by lucy_qhuay
The Darkest Passion by Gena Showalter


Now that I've finally calmed down (somewhat!), I can finally write a proper review.

I loved this book so much, but so freaking much, that the madness of having to wait to read it was worth it.

The Darkest Passion was, hands down, the best book in the series so far.

Aeron was amazing. I have been obsessed with him since The Darkest Night and his book only made me love him more.

He was always fascinating. A winged giant literally covered in tattoos of horrific, bloody scenes, who, as keeper of the demon of Wrath, could be taken over by a powerful desire to punish evil.

I loved that he had that ruthless, unmerciful side, yet he was someone crushed by the guilt of the deeds he did and would do under the power of a bloodlust, so much so that he tattoed his own body with said deeds, just so he could remember what it would happen if he failed to have the beast under control.

Really. Just fascinating.

Plus, we could also see his more vulnerable side when he was with Olivia.

I was pissed that he was always pushing her away, but at the same time, I knew that had to happen, because someone with so much regret and who saw himself as evil and not worthy would never succumb easily to love.

That was painful to read, but as we were able to be inside his mind, we knew that he didn't mean anything he said and that he really wanted to be loved and cherished.

I am so effin' glad Olivia appeared! She's a great heroine and just the right person to the hardened Aeron.

I loved that she always saw the good in him.

She always saw how he would put his life in risk for his loved ones, without hesitation, how he always put everybody else before him, how guilty he felt for the things he did when his demon took over, how he always tried to be a better man, in spite of the evil inside him and how he only punished evil people.

It would stand to reason that, as a true angel from the Heavens, she would see Aeron as a threat and, when faced with the task of killing him, she would also do that without looking back.

But no. She saw he didn't deserve to die and chose to give up her entire life for him. She literally abandoned everything she had, everything she was, to save him.

But that wasn't the only reason. I loved that, even though she was really sweet and innocent, she was also a truly sensual creature.

When she saw Aeron, she desired him. She wanted to, at last, live life and experience joy and passion. And she wanted all those things with him.

And even though she faced a lot of resistance from him, she didn't give up. Even when she hurt because she thought they didn't have a future together.

She ended up melting all of Aeron's defenses and receiving all he had to give. And giving him all she had too, which was what she wanted.

Lucky woman!

Aeron and Olivia were meant to be. Really. They wouldn't be what they are with someone else. I bet their story was written in the Heavens. ;)

Now excuse me while I will continue basking in my The Darkest Passion madness. xD