A review by etoiline
Evil in All Its Disguises by Hilary Davidson


This book had tons of twists and turns. The author is very good at presenting a subject and all the reasons why he or she is the abductor (or killer), then revealing new information that clearly shows the perpetrator is someone else. The setting was exotic but the author reveals the seediness beneath the facade (remind me never to visit Aculpulco alone!). This is not the first book in the series, and though there was quite a bit I was missing having not read those, it didn't take away from the story. The author did a good job of fleshing the characters anyway, and the tidbits of backstory this book contains make me curious to find the other books in the series to find out what happened. There's quite a bit going on here, and the ending is definitely not something I was expecting, though it wraps up quite well. It's a bit more violent than your typical cozy mystery, so be aware if that's what you were looking for, but nothing is too overt or gratuitously gory. I'll try to find more from this author.

Received as a digital ARC via Netgalley and the publisher.