A review by catherine_t
The Cleaner by Brett Battles


Jonathan Quinn is a cleaner: he goes in after a secret operation and ties up the loose ends, makes it look as if nothing ever happened. He's a freelancer, but most of his work comes from a shadowy (possibly governmental) organization known only as The Office. His contact at The Office, Peter, sends him to Colorado to clean up after a fire that killed an asset. What Quinn turns up, though, leads him halfway around the world in a race against time.

I'm kind of on the fence about this book. I'd heard good things about it from readers whose opinion I respect, but especially towards the end, I found things that pulled me out of the story: unbelievable twists, a hackneyed reveal, and at least one poorly constructed sentence. I spent the last third of the book rolling my eyes: "Seriously?" Maybe I've read too many thrillers; maybe I haven't read enough, but by the end, I really just wanted it to be over. Still, I was intrigued enough by the characters that I might read the next in the series, so Battles had at least accomplished that.