A review by grayxen
Now Is the Hour by Tom Spanbauer


it's hard to put down after "Bless us, O fucking Lord, and these Thy fucking gifts"

but it did get a little holden caufieldy and rambled on a bit at times.

i liked that the main character tells us things most of us wouldn't dare admit. pretty brave considering he's a "spineless ass".

some of my favorite quotes were:
 - "She travels the world looking for something inside."
 - "Nobody said anything. Each of us stood in a blue tile. Like we were a game of chess, and they were the king and the queen and I was one of those pieces you don't care about"
 - "Funny, all those years praying to God, and what gets my ass out of Pocatello is the devil."
 - "But what was an hour late compared to a pregnancy? Einstein was so right on with his theory of relativity."

and then when in mid hell breaking loose he stops to steal the rest of the oatmeal cookies LOL. every time something extremely dangerous was going on, the next line was hilarity. i loved it. 

i cried every time george said ANYTHING toward the end.

also, the blowjob at the end killed the romantic mood for me, but whatever, i guess teenage hormones gotta get theirs.

and lastly, when he starts repeating the first chapter verbatim toward the end i wondered if he had been reading survivor by chuck palaniuk, lol.