A review by alltheradreads
Curveball: When Your Faith Takes Turns You Never Saw Coming (or How I Stumbled and Tripped My Way to Finding a Bigger God) by Peter Enns


an essential deconstruction/evolving faith read ↩️

i was introduced to @peteenns at @evolvfaithbut this was the first book of his i’ve read, and it resonated SO MUCH (see ALL THE FLAGS for evidence). i deeply appreciate his incredibly thorough, rational, intellectual, and expansive thoughts on faith, on the bible, on god, and on how he’s navigated his own journey along the way. 

i learned so many new things in this one, found myself thinking about my own faith and experiences and beliefs from new angles, appreciated how he wove his own story in humbly and frankly, and how his privilege was laid bare throughout. connecting dots between history and science and faith, between blown elbows in baseball and moments in taxis and changes in plans to faith, all to help expand our view of god? yes. so beautifully done, and so compelling to me. i have a lot i’m still thinking about from this one, and i love that! i want to keep ruminating on it for a while. 

a fantastic read, and one i highly recommend!