A review by booksandlemonsquash
King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo


Ahhhhh oh Nikolai, let me count the ways I love you.


So first things - the early parts of the book are pretty slow. And my darling glorious Nina only made me love her at the end. Her parts didnโ€™t really connect with the rest until right at the end, and only because interesting slightly before that. Despite the fact I love her SO MUCH, I missed my sassy waffle eating madam from SoC. She reappeared more near the end and Iโ€™m all up for more of that please.

However, Nikolai and Zoya were great throughout and Zoya really grew on me as character!! She is so haughty and fierce and wonderful. I particularly loved everything in the shadow fold too.

Thereโ€™s so many amazing bits - the secret labs, the relationships with all the characters (like every time David looked up from his books lol, I LOVE HIM OKAY), deception and country running and and and...



Also Adrik! I loved him in the trilogy, and this was fab.

And THAT ENDING OMG. Iโ€™m not sure I can wait for what comes next - to see that, to have Ninaโ€™s story fold into the main more, for Zoya to learn more about what she can do, for Ravka to beat back all the nasty other countries ;) ๐Ÿ˜‚

I loved King of Scars in the end, and I give it 4.5 stars. I canโ€™t wait for book 2, and Iโ€™m devastated that I apparently have to.