A review by abookgoblin
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater


Definitely an amazing final installment in The Raven Cycle series! A little bit of disappointment crept in at the end of the book, but I think this series (mostly the last 2 books) deserve 5/5 stars from me!

Let’s start with the bad things first, because I definitely need to get those off my chest. I feel like this series could’ve been a dualogy/trilogy. There was no need to drag this story out to 4 books because my main thought throughout the last 2 books was ”are they ever going to find that damn king or what?”

On the other hand, the love aspects in this book where ON POINT! I definitely love books that explore different sexualities, and finding out about Adam and Ronan was definitely one of my favorite aspects of the book! The Gansey x Blue part got me a little bit ??? though, but I’ll talk about that later in the spoilery part.

And of course, let’s not forget this A-MA-ZING cover! I’ll definitely use this book in bookshoots here and there