A review by foxholebookcourt
I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver


I Wish You All The Best by Mason Deaver

♾/5 (but for the sake of the reviewing system, let’s say ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5)

“Whatever happens”—his grip tightens a little—“I wish you all the best, Benjamin De Backer.” He says it with a smile. “You deserve it.

Why did I put off reading this for so long? WHY? Oh wait I know why. Because the thought of reading a book with a protagonist who shared many characteristics with me seemed a bit scary, especially back when I was still scared to say out loud ‘I’m nonbinary’. Which probably explains why this book just hit home for me. And it wasn’t just that; the whole story was so amazing and besides Ben, I also really, really loved Nathan.

To be honest, I’m not one hundred percent sure as to what I’m writing right now so I’ll just wing it. This book felt like home, in the sense that I finally saw myself fully in a character, which is something I’ve managed only a few times before. This book talked about subjects that occupy me as well on a daily basis and it had such a beautiful pacing and resolution and it made everything feel even more right. I can’t even explain it, because the story is a rather simple one, like most YA contemporary novels, but that fact still doesn’t take away from the overall emotions this book made me feel. I wasn’t bored at all throughout it all, it wasn’t full of unnecessary angst and drama, the romance was not rushed and the love interest wasn’t just there for the sake of being a love interest. Plus, there were side characters that were fleshed out as well, like Hannah for example.

As for the characters in detail, like I said, Ben was a protagonist I could relate to, so maybe I am a bit biased, but I loved their character so much. Their thoughts and worries reflected perfectly the inner turmoil of this particular situation, the fear that comes with it, the feelings about the misgendering on every aspect of life, and the slow process of healing – or rather, living – with anxiety and coping as best as you can. On the other hand, Nathan was really quirky and funny but he was also awkward at times and he made for a very swoon worthy love interest. Finally, Mason Deaver also managed to write about a complex sibling relationship that wasn’t just irrelevant or side tracked but was actively a part of the plot.

Oof, I could go on a whole rant right now about how amazing this book was but I’m afraid it will lead me to getting personal and it’s best to avoid that. All I have to say is that I will recommend this book to everyone until I die.

“I wish you all the best, Benjamin De Backer.” They aren’t the same words, but I know exactly what he means.
“I love you too.”