A review by woolfardis
Give Me by L.K. Rigel


Initially, this book seems promising from the first couple of pages. Could it be, a book not solely focused on one young, horny woman but a nice couple exploring lands together?

Oh no. Should really read those blurbs...

It isn't terrible written, just a bit weirdly written. The thesaurus should have been put down. The main thing, aside from the Mary Sue protagonist and obvious love interests, is the ridiculous plot and total butchery of England done by the author. The Severn "Sea"? What even.

The author asks the reader that they indulge in her liberties at the beginning, but sadly when one cannot even get geography remotely correct, these liberties are simply laughable.

And the speed with which the main characters gets over her break up to a man she is madly in "forever love" with and jump on to the next man that breathes is preposterous.

Generic YA twaddle. You'll love it.