A review by picky_book_b1tch
Steal Me by India R. Adams


This is a case of mistaken identity and it's me, not you.

I judged the book by its cover and its blurb and I got it all wrong. I picked this up based on what I thought rather than what it is. It's an NA romance. I don't do NA romances. I can't handle the youthful angst and drama. I'm a woman of certain years that doesn't want to relive those days for anything, not even in fiction. With years of life and motherhood, comes a certain maturity and wisdom that I just can't shake. So while I can see the appeal of this story for others, it wasn't my thing.

In my defense, I will say there is nothing in that cover or the blurb that would lead me to believe this was a NA romance, and definitely not one that follows a couple and a group of friends from about age 16 to 21. It's a gorgeous cover and the reason I stopped to check this book out. But for me, that cover screams gritty adult romantic suspense, not youthful angst and heartache.

NA readers, you will love this story. It's a well written poignant, angsty and heartfelt coming of age story of teenage age love, family and friendship.