A review by emdowd
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee


I mean, the main character is a bi girl who USES the word bisexual and is really good at finding and organizing things. Be still, my bi librarian heart. I think I highlighted about 50 different places and wrote 50 different versions of "tiny dense baby queer librarian Jess I love you". Seriously, she asks M if there's a "record keeping project". She wants to create her own finding aid and search engine. Ugh, my heart. Go to library school already, kid.

Happy to know this is on shelves and lists for future bibrarians (and bi people with other passions and future professions, I guess) even if it wasn't around for 15 year old me.

Engaging and fun, even for someone with only a passing interest in super heroes. A little too much telling not showing and I couldn't tell if the long expositions by the main villain explaining their master plan were meant to be an obvious lampooning of the genre or in earnest.