A review by amyiw
Nikhil by M.K. Eidem


2.75 stars
So, scifi alien romance erotica. I like the world, set up and premise and even where it is going but... not really how it gets there or even where it got to. It didn't really finish what was started and it leaves the next couple started in the epilogue. That is not so bad but... several things are started to be answered/asked and not complete in the plot. Will the Kaliszians except a gay couple? They don't figure out who planned the attack or finish that plot line at all. It is quite obvious to the reader as the author makes the bad guys super obvious, but the Kaliszians are not running to see how the attack was formulated. Or maybe they are but we don't get to see it? So since this is erotica and the getting together of the couple is the main point, I won't usually take much off on these points.

So the couple. All the pushing away and fights seem fabricated and childish. Running away and not talking it over... even worse since if he did this, the woman would be screwed. Kissing is a no, no except with a mate. OK I see that but even he didn't seem so blasé about virginity when it came down to it. I was really psyched when I thought that he was the virgin but no, once again it has to come around the the woman. Like it is some sort of proof that she is not a whore. Argh! So they both irritated me quite a bit and she did more than him. Her overreaction when he was being so accommodating. I see her being hurt but to reject him... it was total over reaction to the situation. And then the bead and over reaction there too. And then wanting total honesty with her when she wasn't giving it to him, and it wasn't directly related to them at least once. So even though I like them together at first, I started just wanting him to tell her to take a hike at the end... or vise versa.

Did I like it... over all, kind of, but the couple irritates. I still like the world and probably will read the next to see how the two nations Tornians and Kaliszians work it out. I hope the next couple is less irritating.