A review by _booksanddogs_
Allegiance by K.A. Tucker


Oh my goodness what a ride allegiance has been. I finished the last 100 pages in an hour because I had to know what was going to happen. One more book to go and then the series is over. It’s going to be so hard to let these amazing characters go.

Evangeline is slowly becoming more tolerable finally! Max is still laugh out loud funny, Sofie is as wonderful as ever and Caden, well he just sounds like a sex god to be honest.

I cannot express how much I love these characters. Adding some others to the mix this book has made me want to stay in this story land forever. I love Lilly and wraith who was hilarious.

The story like the two previous books was just as fast paced and amazing, the way Kathleen describes where the characters are makes me feel like I’m there.