A review by _lilbey_
Murder List by Julie Garwood


I just didn't find any of the characters likable, and in SO MUCH of the book NOTHING HAPPENED. I also had some more nitpicky issues, e.g. the issue of cell phones. So many people made a big deal of not having cell phones, and the MC apparently lost track of hers for a week and didn't notice. This was published in 2004- Pew indicates that about 2/3 of people in the US had cell phones at this time, and half used them regularly. To believe that someone who felt the cell was important enough to take with her prior to losing it, who also likely used it for business, would not even note it was missing for over week is absurd. The constant mention of the MC apparently overwhelming beauty also grew old, as did the reference to the cop-love interest as "sloppy."
Spoiler I was also SUPER bothered by the lack of resolution of the whole Dr. Shields issue that started this nonsense. It ended up having NOTHING to do with the plot; even the motivation of the killer turned out to not be the titular Murder List, so what gives? Why even set this whole thing up like this?