A review by melbsreads
My Life as a Hashtag by Gabrielle Williams


Trigger warnings: bullying, social exclusion, premature birth.

4.25 stars.

This was, hands down, one of the best depictions of sixteen year old girls that I've ever read. Their friendships are complex and messy, their constant use of social media is accurate, their relationships with their parents and their siblings are significant and complicated and feelsy.

The "I posted something on social media that I shouldn't have" part takes a while to turn up, given the title. But all the build up culminates in a moment that feels completely authentic, a moment where you completely feel for MC and you feel like her response to the situation is understandable.

Did it annoy me that the protagonist is named MC, which I kept reading as "main character"? Yes. Did it annoy me that the post-that-goes-viral part of the story happens about 75% of the way through the story? Also yes. Is it slightly preachy? Sure.

But as someone who spends her life around a thousand teenage girls on a daily basis? Uh, yeah. It's accurate. And it spells out that actions have ramifications in a way that they need it spelled out.