A review by ivaliceforever
Home is the Hunter by Dana Kramer-Rolls


Home is the Hunter has been one of the most intriguing novels in the TOS family that I've come across. The characterization makes it so that I can imagine the character's voices from the show reading the dialogue and the plot was pretty original and did not focus primarily on Captain Kirk or Spock.

It also provided an interesting look into the characters of Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu and Pavel Chekov, who we learn very little about in the series. We get to see them respond to the history of their ancestral countries of Old Scotland, Feudal Japan and Soviet-Era Russia in a setting where it feels like attention was actually paid to how things were in those eras. The narrative doesn't drone on overly long in any part and there are excellently placed cliff-hangers that would be 'commercial breaks' in the show to boot!

If you are a fan of Sulu and Scotty, I might suggest giving this novel a try or if you are just a fan of the series. This is one of my favorites in the line so far.