A review by bookmarkedbypage
Eight Cozy Nights by Julia Wolf


When Larissa nearly kills herself tripping over her new neighbor’s bike, she is not impressed. But when Yo introduces himself, she can’t help but be enamored by him. Will sparks be flying from more than just the menorah this Hanukkah?

When I saw Kindle Unlimited had a cozy Hanukkah romance novella, I was beyond excited. If you couldn’t already tell, I love all Hallmark Christmas movies and cute Christmas books but a Hanukkah book will always be more relatable to me.

I love that their romance is set over the 8 nights of Hanukkah. They’re both on breaks from work so it feels like a vacation from the real world and the perfect backdrop for a blossoming romance.

This book actually makes Hanukkah feel magical which is so refreshing to me. They weren’t trying to explain everything to a character or the reader. Instead, we get two Jewish leads enjoying Hanukkah together and letting it create all the sparks between them.

Eight Cozy Nights is everything I’ve always wanted from a Hallmark Hanukkah movie but it’s steamier, more authentic, and infinitely better.