A review by jbarr5
A Season to Celebrate by Kate Pearce, Donna Kauffman, Fern Michaels


A Season to Celebrate by Fern Michaels, Kate Pearce, Donna Kauffman, Priscilla Oliveras
Love this there are four different authors with their stories in this collection. Have read many of them and enjoyed the reads.
A Christmas Homecoming by Fern Michaels
Story about a man who's returning back home from the war-for good. his family runs the tree farm in TX.
Also follows Kate and her daughter Emma and they've returned to the area again after her divorce as she has landed a job as a pediatric orthopedic doctor-her dream job.
It's Christmas and we learn how they celebrate the holiday in Texas.
The adults are attracted to one another but she dosn't know if he's poken for....
Emma has a new friend to play with and Kate learns of her relationship with Keven...
Misunderstandings and misconceptions occur...lots of twists and turns...
Love all the charity work mentioned.
An Unexpected Gift by Kate Pearce
This story focuses around a man released from prison, Billie who's returned home and is able to get out there and move on with life.
He'd lost his wife and child in a serious accident. A local Bella who runs the bar with her son is also a widow and he's able to pitch in to help her out of bad situations with the help.
Their paths cross often as he helps her out at the bar/diner. What I like about this one is that it's about a couple over 50 and the struggles they have in their lives.
Sexual graphic scenes. So many obstacles in their way of a chance at second love.
Recipe included.
Christmas in Blue Hollow Falls by Donna Kauffman
Never heard of one marrying on Christmas Day. After the celebration some go to the bar and drink, problem is there are many different groups of people there from different counteis.
A woman is being shown to the door by a man she doens't know til a man with an Aussie dialect intererupts. He ends up in jail and she comes to his rescue.
Love hearing about her degree and lack of but she's able to help him regardless as she is drawn to him. Her broher had asked him to keep an eye on her while he's on his honeymoon.
Love his location and how he transpires it into a space for her-pricesless!
Predictable story line.
Holiday Home Run by Priscilla Oliveras
Like this story because it's a bit differenet being it's the holidays and there is baseball, which is a summer sport in the US.
Love the charity work done and how Julia involves the children in all the programs. Like the idea of the parade caloing as we'd do that as a Portugese family.
Also like how the baseball star fits in and how Ben uses his fame for good things.
Liked hearing about Chicago as we've yet to visit there.
About the authors are included at the end.
Other books excerpts from authors are included at the end.
Received this review copy from Kensington Books via Zebra at Netgalley and this is my honest opinion.
#ASeasonToCelebrate #NetGalley