A review by melycp
A Ruin of Roses by K.F. Breene


I didn’t know what to expect when starting A Ruin of Roses but let’s just say it wasn’t what I got. I’ve read one of K.F Breene’s series before and I don’t remember it having any adult content, this book was the complete opposite.

I’d be very cautious going into this if you’re not a fan of smut/crude content. It is absolutely filled to the brim with it. A lot of the language is very harsh and it can be a bit unsettling at times, but there aren’t any instances of missing consent. Everything is 100% consensual, so no need to worry about that.

If you take away the sexual content, there isn’t really a lot to A Ruin of Roses. However, the sections that didn’t have any of this were very entertaining. It’s a creative retelling of Beauty and the Beast and I liked how they incorporated smaller events from the original, such as Belle fighting off wolves in the woods, but instead, Finley was fighting demonic creatures. 

The characters were quite wishy-washy and seemed to change their minds and morals quite often. They were quite entertaining though, especially the castle staff. Finley has the potential to be a great main character and maybe this is further explored in the second installment. 

I loved the incorporation of shifters and having that be the reason why the prince is a beast. It was very clever and I’m interested to learn more about their history and the curse they find themselves under.

Overall, A Ruin of Roses was an interesting retelling that has potential. The over-saturation of adult content did make this less enjoyable for me, but I know some people will love it. As this series is available with Kindle Unlimited, I would consider reading the second instalment in the future.