A review by letitiak3
Win by Submission by Melynda Price


I wanted to like this book but just could not get into it. There were pieces of the story that were interesting but for the most part, it was corny and predictable.

I hated how Katie never told her parents what were going on even after the person who is stalking her and trying to kill her are in her parents house! What kind of person would do that?! I feel like if I was tortured and stalked, I would definitely take complete different actions then she did. I felt like I was watching one of those movie where you are yelling at the main character to stop being such an idiot. Also, I am not sure why she kept referring to herself as her 'inner goddess'. I found that really weird.

I liked the MMA action and what he went through in a fight along with his training. I was glad that in the end, he was able to return to fighting even after he was so broken by degrasse but honestly, that is all I actually liked in the story.