A review by elvang
Fenced-In Felix by Cheyenne Blue


"There's no love without trust, Felicity. How can there be?"

Fenced-In Felix is the third book in the Girl Meets Girl series this time featuring Felix Jameson and her campground and trail riding operation at Jayboro Outstation in the Queensland outback. Her days are busy thanks to the influx of tourists (I loved the term grey nomads) sent by Josie, a new barmaid in Worrindi. Despite their different backgrounds and lifestyles, Felix is attracted to Josie and the feeling is mutual. When Josie asks Felix to board her horse, one which bears a striking resemblance to a missing thoroughbred, Felix begins to question Josie's motives and agenda. Can she trust this drifter she hardly knows with her heart?

Cheyenne Blue is a natural storyteller. It is easy to fall into the rhythms of everyday life in a region of the world few of us have visited. Felix has her feet planted firmly on her parents land. She is solid, stolid even and determined to make a life for herself with hard work and determination. Josie has no fond memories from her past, has made a life for herself drifting from one menial job to another. They have little in common except for their love of horses, roughing it in the wild and of course their attraction to one another.

I liked how the author portrays their differences turning them into strengths on which to build a relationship. Where Felix is reserved, Josie is outgoing and spontaneous. Felix is a planner, Josie takes chances. Felix admires Josie's innovative ideas to help her grow her business. Josie longs for the stability she sees in a life with Felix. In the end, there can be no solid relationship without trust.

ARC received with thanks from Ylva Publishing for review.