A review by naiapard
Sacrifice by Katee Robert


I knew that I was a bit behind with my reviews, but girl, I did not know I was that far back.

I saw that I left this book at 96% and neither did I mark it on Goodreads nor did I make a note that I finished it and I should write something on it. So, this must have been a surprise-read, one that had come out of the spur of some moment I had been caught in.

I have a foggy memory regarding it. I remember that I liked the beginning and found it promising, but the mid-part and the final were a bit …. Umm… not as good?

This girl is sent to the castle of a mysterious, powerful, handsome, ancient vampire. She was sent by her father there (who is a bit more powerful than her future-to-be boyfriend) with the sole purpose to get her pregnant. The point is that she is forced into something dubious. From that, the reader should expect a lot of foreplay.

The vampire proves not to be as malevolent as presumed. He behaves quite well, there are moments in which he goes a bit off the rails because he is consumed by the passion that he feels for her—she is too delicious.

Somewhere in the middle, the books twist into a Reverse-Harem. I did not pay enough attention when I first picked it, but I don`t think I had seen a note that this may be an RH. No matter, it did not affect the plotline too much by that point. And the RH was introduced quite neatly, so I would not insist on that.

I think that I had a really small pool of reading choices because otherwise, I cannot see why I put the time into this one. It is not a bad book, but neither it is that great as to explain the effort of going through with it all.

Maybe I am being too curt.

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