A review by gloriouspanic
Counterpart by Hayley Stone


I liked the second book just as much as the first but I wouldn't say more. I could see how various characters had more depth and also how much Rhona grew as a person through the various crisis that took place. My biggest issue through both is the romance side of the story. I'm a bit on the fence with it as part of me loves the passion and intensity. At times, however, it just feels like a distraction from the actual disaster going on around them. It's not quite as bad as some plot lines where everything focuses on the love interests (I.E. The Titanic) but there were a few scenes that just felt sort of pointless beyond that. That said, there is plenty of action in this second book which I enjoyed a lot. I'm looking forward to the next novel and will for sure pick it up.

You can read my full review of both Machinations and Counterpart on my blog @ https://gloriouspanic.wordpress.com/2016/10/23/review-machinations-series-by-hayley-stone/

I received this book through NetGalley from the publisher in exchange for my honest review, this in no way affected my opinion or thoughts on the story.