A review by kandicez
Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale


This was a lovely tale. I love the way Hale is able to set her stories in a place “other” than where we live. She gives enough detail so its obviously not here, but not so much that you need to worry about building a world in your mind. She keeps enough familiarity that the differences simply add to the tale, not detract from it.

Had there not been
Spoiler a werewolf in this novel I would be giving it five stars instead of 4. I wish she had found another means of making him deplorable. I actually feel he may have been despicable enough simply being the power hungry warrior he was. The whole werewolf angle was unneeded and distracting to me.

There was so much character growth in these pages. For the relatively short length a lot happens, but each event is described enough that we understand the importance and the characters develop as a result of each. There seemed to be no filler. That’s a rarity and I appreciate it.

This was obviously written with a young audience in mind, but Hale in no way dumbs down her subject matter. This felt more like an adult fairy tale along the lines of Stephen King’s Through the Eyes of the Dragon, that your typical YA novel.