A review by aboutthatstory
Stay With Me by Elyssa Patrick


4 out of 5 stars

This book pulled me in from the start. I enjoyed Caleb and Hailey's first meeting and was anxious for things to unfold between them. I thought they had good interactions throughout the book and I loved their chemistry. Their conversations seemed playful and fun.

Hailey grew so much and became more confident and I was rooting for her. I thought Caleb was pretty much the best guy ever - just an all around, good, solid guy. He was super sweet and I was intrigued by him but sometimes he seemed to good to be true. That wont stop him from being a book boyfriend though because I really liked him!

I enjoyed the other characters as well. Daphne is a spitfire and I thought all of Caleb’s friends were interesting and had very distinct personalities. I hope Daphne and Nick get their own story.

There was quite a bit of heat in this book but I didn’t think it was overly done or drawn out – and I mean that in a good way. I actually had a few *sigh* moments because some of it was just so sweet. I also liked the fact that it’s a real story and not one sex scene after another.

This book had a good pace, I thought it was a fast read and had a nice build. I guessed at her secret (and was right!) and thought there would have been more drama and conflict surrounding it… it wrapped up a little to cleanly for me. That being said, I did like how that part ended because I wanted her to be happy. I also LOVED the ending – the part where she reveals her feelings was PERFECT!

Well written. Great characters. This book is an excellent way to kick off a series. I loved everything just wished there would have been more drama. I will definitely continue on with the series.

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.