A review by mrose21
The Corner Shop in Cockleberry Bay by Nicola May


Quick Info
Standalone/Cliffhanger?: Standalone
Part of a Series?: No
Meeting the Characters
Rosa Larkin
Joshua Smith
What happens?
Rosa is having a difficult time so when she gets the opportunity to restart her life in charge of her own shop she takes it somewhat reluctantly. Her friend Josh tries to help her through the process but shes got quite thick walls around her from a difficult childhood.
Final thoughts
I didn't like this and I'm so disappointed. I didn't expect to just hate Rosa as much as I did. I get shes had a hard time of it, shes got no family but she has a fantastic mate in Josh who clearly likes her but she can't see that. She gets betrayed by Lucas but still sleeps with him? I can't even like the dog.
Its a no from me and I don't get how its got such a good rating.
Would I read again?: No
Would I read this author again?: Doubtful