A review by diaryofthebookdragon
Sky Pirates by Liesel Schwarz


The Chronicles of Light and Shadow series had it's ups and downs, but I loved it because it had kick-ass heroine and wonderful steampunk goodies. [b:A Clockwork Heart|16169846|A Clockwork Heart (The Chronicle of Light and Shadow, #2)|Liesel Schwarz|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1369157501s/16169846.jpg|22016548] with a clifhanger ending left me yearning for a sequel. But as it often happens, when the [b:Sky Pirates|17834896|Sky Pirates (The Chronicles of Light and Shadow, #3)|Liesel Schwarz|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1379726384s/17834896.jpg|24954878] was in my greedy hands, I was distracted by shinier newer titles, and newer read it. 4 years later, I decided to correct that mistake.

The third book in The Chronicles of Light and Shadow series feels like a combination of the previous two. Sadly, not always the good parts.

+ Kick-ass heroine (b0ok1, book2)
+ Steampunk goodies (b0ok1, book2)
+ Set all over the world (Venice, London, San Francisco, Khartum, Asian rain forest...) (book1)
+ Whirlwind action in the end (b0ok1, book2)

+- Romance didn't develop as I expected (book2)

- Slow start (book2)
- Multiple narrators. No surprises since we know what the bad side is planning (book2).
- Love triangle. Left unsolved at the end!
--- No more books and a lot of things are left unresolved!!!

[b:Sky Pirates|17834896|Sky Pirates (The Chronicles of Light and Shadow, #3)|Liesel Schwarz|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1379726384s/17834896.jpg|24954878] left me cursing myself why did I wait to read the next book in this delightful series so long. The start was slow and it took me time until I remembered the plot and characters, but when the whirld-wind of action started I could not put the book down.

One big disappointment was that this book ends with a lot of things hanging in the air and no sequel in sight. You would have thought that the author would at least write a novella to tie the loose ends, but there is no announcement about anything like that. So I am not sure if I will recommend this series to friends. There are good steampunk series like this who are not interrupted in the middle...