A review by lavieboheme930
Woman 99 by Greer Macallister


1/5 Stars for Woman 99, a fictional novel by Greer Macallister that takes the reader back to a time when horrible experiments were being done to women who were in mental hospitals and got away with performing such acts.

This book couldn’t hold my attention at all, not even for a tiny bit of the amount of time that I read it. The pacing was all off going back in time to recent without any transition. And no action happened until well into the book. I prefer books that get into the action within the first couple of chapters. I don’t know what Macallister was trying to do making us wait what felt like forever for Charlotte to find her sister. I feel that if Macallister had more action and less talking inside the main characters mind, this story could’ve been enjoyable. But there was far too much going on at such a slow place, there wasn’t anything I could find that I really liked in this book.

I do think Macallister had a good idea taking the reader into a time period where those in mental hospitals were treated horribly. Not many people know the history. This was a great plot to go with but perhaps if the story was better tied in, that would’ve made it more interesting. There wasn’t one character I liked but the one I couldn’t stand at all was Charlotte’s mother who didn’t seem to care about her girls at all.

There is no one I think I could recommend this to because I felt it won’t capture many people’s attention such as it didn’t for me.