A review by hsienhsien27
Knights of Sidonia, Volume 1 by Tsutomu Nihei


Recently the college that I attend has increased their manga/manhwa section. The manga section is separate from the graphic novel section for some odd reason. They probably think "Oh it's Japanese, it's not graphic novels." It is god dang graphic novels, it doesn't matter what language. There wouldn't be enough space anyway.

So this short volume is done by the guy, Tsutomu Nihei, who is well known for his cyber punk mecha manga. If you are familiar with Blame!, then you know this guy. I have heard of him but never read him until now.

The Knights of Sidonia is a manga that enjoyed but because it was the only first volume, the only way to fully enjoy it, is to read the whole series. That's my only problem with manga series, they're enjoyable but there's way too many volumes to buy or borrow. They are the best ways to get out of readings funks though, after reading this volume, I started reading other things and spent three hours straight reading books. I regained my reading appetite? That sounds really weird.

Basically what this manga is about, it's a lot like Neon Genesis Evangelion , but it's a lot lighter, less confusing, with a main character who isn't really filled with teen angst. It's post apocalyptic, scary giant alien things are trying to kill everyone, people kill the giant alien things with giant robots that are controlled by human movement, the main character gets messed up.

What makes this one really unique is that it's just weird, more strange than Neon Genesis. Humans don't really exist anymore, they are freaking photosynthesis beings that don't have to eat food anymore. Gender or sex doesn't seem to really exist, some of them are male and female or both.

I will admit that the plot at first was pretty confusing, the main character ends up flying onto this planet where the photosynthesis human beings exist. Then he suddenly pilots a robot and then those giant alien tentacles things act. It's very fast paced, something to read in one sitting before you forget and get confused.

The artwork is cute and nice to the eyes but that doesn't mean that the aliens can't be utterly frightening and disgusting. The backgrounds are nicely drawn and not too over decorated, almost minimal. So as you guys can see, I enjoyed this but I don't think my college library has any of the other volumes...
Rating: 3/5
