A review by elainem97
A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab


- It is action packed. Everything that happened in ‘A Gathering of Shadows’ was leading up to this moment: a grand culmination of previous events, and It! Is! Epic!
- All. The. Plot. Twists.
- Political Intrigue
- The prose continues to be so *chef’s kiss*
- Seriously, the action sequences were giving me heart palpitations.
- All the character development and the delving into some deep questions.
- Rhy’s character went from bearable to Yes my King! Although technically the weakest link in terms of magic ability he comes out as one of the strongest characters in terms of development, and the devotion he has for his people is so amazing, I feel like a proud mom
- Holland’s character arc wrecked me and I’m sobbing but I understand why it had to be this way
- Alucard Emery is one smooth mofo
- That scene with Lila and Kell in the boat. Nobody told me this book would have sexy times *blushes*
- I seriously cried so much with this book but I’m crazy and I love crying for books, that’s how I know they’re amazing.
- Antari Lila <3
- Kell deserves the world, and a hug.
- I love how flawed all the characters are.
- Seriously, I was even in invested in secondary characters. I loved how they also got a bit of the spot light in this book.

- I still feel like Lila gets off too easily sometimes and deals with little to no repercussions.

- This series is one of the best series I’ve ever read. Ever.