A review by organchordsandlightning
Dark Hollow by John Connolly


There was something about Dark Hollow that just felt copy-and-pasted from the first novel of the series. I can't put my finger on as to why, but there was so much of the novel that just felt the same that I found I could almost not keep them straight.

The actual working gang of this book was interesting enough (Charlie, Louis, and Angel have a decent on-page chemistry when they're working together), but overall I couldn't help but dislike a few of the other side tangents. Charlie's love life remains deeply uninteresting to me, unfortunately, and we get to meet an old lover of his as well as keeping on with his pining of the lady who barely got a personality in book #1. Also, I feel like Charlie's dream-vision thing could lead up to something interesting, but in the book it just felt like an additional filler.