A review by abookwormwithwine
The Regret by Dan Malakin


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / 5

I don't know what is going on, but I like it. I have been on a streak of really good mystery/thrillers and [b:The Regret|47553662|The Regret|Dan Malakin|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1565107625l/47553662._SX50_.jpg|72680894] by [a:Dan Malakin|14901397|Dan Malakin|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1554167145p2/14901397.jpg] was no exception!

What it's about: Rachel Stone's world was shattered when she was just a teenager by a stalker named Alan Griffin. Now she has a three-year-old daughter named Lily and has rebuilt her life, but as someone seems to start stalking her again and ruining her life as she knows it, old demons will rise again to the surface and threaten everything.

I want to keep my summery short and sweet for The Regret because I think it is great to go into this book blind! There were a lot of surprises as I read it, and so many things that I never saw coming. I won't lie, this was also a really hard book to read. Rachel suffers from addiction and anorexia, and there were so many times I wanted to throttle her, but I know this is the disease that takes over a person's mind. It is hard to read, but I think it is also so important and I'm glad the author decided to tackle these dark issues.

I also really liked the bits of technology and hacking that were spoken about in this book. Even though parts of it gave me the heebie jeebies, it was also fascinating at the same time. I really hope lives aren't as easy to mess with as they are in this book because otherwise that is just downright terrifying!

I didn't love Rachel as a character, but when we got towards the end and things got really messed up, she managed to pull me around to her side. If you are looking for a badass female lead throughout the book it is not Rachel, but she definitely proves herself at the end which made me like her more overall. I also thought there were a couple other frustrating characters that were pretty awful, but they really make the story what it is.

One major reason that I am giving this a 4/5 is because I didn't like the loose ends at the end of the book. I had an idea of what was going on, but I wasn't completely right, and then I was disappointed when the author didn't get into the why of it all. Maybe it is just because I am really anal and want to know the facts, but I think it would have been much better if Malakin would have included more in the epilogue.

Song/s the book brought to mind: When It All Falls Apart by The Veronicas

Final Thought: Overall, The Regret was really fast-paced and it almost hurt to watch Rachel go into her downward spiral, but at the same time it was just done so excellently. If you like a book that has darker themes, with a tiny bit of gore the The Regret is the book to check out! As long as you can handle reading about addiction and just how far someone will sink before they pick themselves back up again...

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with an advance review copy of this book, all opinions are my own.