A review by tswanson103
Chainmail Bikini: The Anthology of Women Gamers by Hazel Newlevant


Beyond being beautiful, this graphic novel anthology helped me better understand the world of gaming as another method of escapism, of trying to understand the world and how to navigate it. I use books to do this, but this opened my eyes to the way gaming operates similarly. While some of the stories most likely would have meant more to me if I had knowledge of the game it was about, I didn't feel excluded or like the stories were inaccessible. This is fantastic anthology of unique experiences and beautiful artwork.

Some of my favorite stories included:
A Certain Kind of Story by Molly Ostertag
Gamer Grrrl by K.A. Kelly-Colon, illustrated by June Viganis
Pocket Worlds by Anna Rose
Memoir of a Part-Time Knight - Ya Xiao
Manic Pixel Dream Girl gaiden: guitar heroine - by Elizabeth Simins