A review by the_rox13
Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. 1 by Peter J. Tomasi, J.T. Krul, James Robinson


Wow, this was way better than I expected it to be. I don't know why I didn't think it was going to be that great, considering I think that Blackest Night is one of the most solid DC events ever. I'm just going to go through and give my thoughts on each story for Batman, Superman and Titans.

Batman: My least favorite of the three, though that's not to say it wasn't good. The inclusion of Deadman was the best part for me. He's such an interesting character and he fits extremely well into this event. I thought Tim Drake was a bit irritating in this story - it's like, come on, Tim, these are not your parents, dude. As always, it's cool to see Dick Grayson in the Batman suit, though there were times when I honestly forgot that Dick was behind the cowl and not Bruce.

Superman: So, the art in this story was real weird for me. Sometimes the faces of Superman and the people in Smallville look really creepy and scary. There's this barber on the first page of issue #2 and oh my god, he looks like the Joker or something. Other than the art, I enjoyed it. Earth-2 Kal-L and Lois are formidable Black Lanterns. Psycho Pirate was also a Black Lantern and I was just like, jeez, I would not want to fight that match up. Martha Kent and Krypto have some things to do here that show that they are capable in their own right. Good stuff.

Titans: Titans is admittedly the one out of the three I know the least about. My knowledge of the Titans is pretty much the extent the the cartoon and various bits and pieces of information I've picked up about it over the years. But damn, this story was brutal, the most brutal out of the three. Even though, these aren't characters I'm super attached to, I felt for them. I was shook when Donna Troy's dead baby came back as a Black Lantern and then she smashes his head between her hands. Like DAMN. And Beast Boy is over here crying over having to kill fucking Black Lantern Terra. Hey, man, at least you didn't have to kill your BABY. Dove's sister being murdered by Black Lantern Hank Hall was also savage as hell. They really didn't pull any punches with Titans. Honestly, this was my favorite of the three.