A review by andreathereader
The Goddess Legacy: An Anthology by Aimée Carter


I’m surprised how much I enjoyed this book. As a general rule, I dislike short stories, but since this is more of a between-the-novels story and I’d already read the first 2 novels, I decided to give it a try. It’s 5 separate stories, each one focusing on the above gods. We learn how they come to be the people we met in the first novel, The Goddess Test.

The other gods were present in each story, but mostly as supporting characters. This book was all about Hera, Aphrodite, Persephone, Hermes and Hades. I loved being able to see deeper into their personalities and find out how they ended up, over thousands of years, as the characters we know in the Goddess Test series. After this book, I have more sympathy for the “big bads” from the series. In fact, I’d like to go back and read the first one again, now that I know more about the gods. I would have a whole new point of view on everything.

Aimee Carter has a gift for world-building. She created this whole new world where everything was so lush and rich, and I felt like I could see Olympus in all its glory. I could see the dank caves, the green fields and even the dark Underworld. I’m not at all familiar with Greek mythology, so I don’t know how faithful her versions of the gods are, but I enjoyed them.

The cover is unimpressive. The dress is terribly unflattering and I’m curious to know why the girl is standing in a forest, staring at a tree trunk.

The sum up: A great in-between novel for the Goddess Test series while you wait for the last book to arrive.