A review by lind426
The Crown of Fools by Candice Wright


Candice!!!!!! Oh my god! Seriously! This book! Ok, now that I have gathered my thoughts. This book was raw, sexy, heartbreaking, and beautiful. Within the first chapter I was crying along with Sunshine. I truly could feel her pain through Candice’s writing. But watching Kat pick herself back up from the bottom was so relatable, and to see how strong she was not just for herself, but for her baby and others was incredible. This book also had me laughing out loud at points, fanning myself, and cussing out loud too. I absolutely loved Conan and Inigo. I think they were a perfect match for Kat. And man did they bring the steam! I also love how Wes and Blade got thrown in there as well. I really hope we get to see their relationship with Kat grow. I loved seeing some of our favorite characters from past books and I loved seeing some new ones. I cannot wait to see what happens in the next book! This world continues to just get better and better!!