A review by catbewks
The Devil Makes Three by Tori Bovalino


2.5 stars

I enjoyed this, but it felt like reading a full length novel of the amalgamation of every single one of those tropey supernatural horror movies where there's a demon on the loose possessing everyone. I started skimming when I realised the book held no surprises. There was just nothing new here, unfortunately.

But I enjoyed it because it was suspenseful and creepy and because Tess and Eliot really reminded me of Blue and Gansey from The Raven Cycle. I liked Tess and Eliot despite the parallels I drew in my own mind, but I feel like they could have been more fleshed out. I think this book suffered from having such a tiny cast of characters, because the two MCs mostly just interacted with each other for the entirety of the novel, and I think there would have been something to be gained from bringing the side characters to the spotlight more often.

I also liked this quote:

She was not a failure, not now, and she refused to be one. She'd cling onto any success she could grab. She'd grit her teeth until they shattered.