A review by nerdyrev
Here and Gone by Haylen Beck


I love books that get right into the action and this one definitely delivers. Within a few pages, we are off and running on this tense adventure of a mother who has her children taken from her after a fake arrest.

A woman is on the run from her abusive husband. At the beginning of the book, we do not know much except she is in the car with her children that she may not have custody for. She has a past history of drug abuse, but for the time being she needs gas in order to continue.

After seeing a police car when she stops, she is nervous until pulled over. The police search her car and she is arrested for possession of narcotics. Her children are removed from her sight as she is in jail.

When she asks about her children, the police officer replies- "what children?"

This is the beginning of the book! As the book progresses, we meet a man who becomes very concerned about the children as he has had a similar story. Both people must now try the best they can to save these children.

I found this book so quick moving and so tense. I will state that I get a bit icked out by pedophiles, so that could have added to the tension of the book for me. The "dark net" plays a role in this book.

The scenes play out so well and dark. You can feel the dank cell and the hopelessness of the situation. This is a rough, but good summer read.

I gave this one 3.5 stars.

I want to thank BloggingforBooks for the copy. I received it in exchange for an honest review.