A review by angorarabbit
Swing Time by Zadie Smith

Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
MY reasons for the DNF: excessively stereotypical characters, no connection to the story, premise didn’t live up to expectations, reading felt like a chore. 
I really was looking forward to reading this, but 25% of the way in I was struggling to get 20 pages at a sitting read.The one POV first person narration was good but the characters just kinda sucked to tell the truth. When the narrator was recollecting their childhood it was a little interesting, their adult retelling was just boring and strained my suspension of disbelief. 
I will try another of Ms Smith’s books, just not this one. Perhaps my expectations were just to high for Swing Time. 
Pro tip: If you see someone berating their employee in public never accept a job offer from that employer. Particularly if you are replacing the now ex berated employee.

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