A review by beledit
Day by Day Armageddon by J.L. Bourne


So badly written it made my eyes bleed.

I hate to be mean. I respect people who write novels. I wish I could do it myself. So I hate giving one-star ratings. But really, this book is bad. It is riddled with spelling and editing mistakes on every page. And no, claiming it's a journal is no excuse (and Becky has written admirably about how badly this book uses the journal form.). Sight consistently written "site". Hangar consistently written "hanger". Pointless adjectives everywhere ("...pointing the weapon ahead of me into the dying darkness of the hanger" - what on earth does "dying darkness" mean - especially when pointing INTO a windowless building that is presumably darker further in?). Poor sentence structure and punctuation. Inability to use the word "however" correctly. Etcetera. I do not believe these are deliberate mistakes for the sake of credibility.

Deadly boring level of detail. No suspense or thrills at any point. The only emotion it generated was a fervent wish that the protagonist (hell, the writer) would get eaten by zombies asap. I cannot fathom why this is a popular zombie book. I're read a lot of zombie books (maybe over a hundred - yeah, I know) and this is bottom of my list. We're talking bottom of a zombie novel list, so if you're a fan of this genre you'll know that the bottom of that list is p-r-e-t-t-y low down.

Maybe things improve as the series progresses but I won't be checking.