A review by callistawolf
Simply Insatiable by Kate Pearce


WOW. This was my favorite book of the series (so far)! I never would have expected that to be the case. Minshom was a complete bastard in the previous book and I remember thinking "there is no way she can redeem this man." But lo... Kate Pearce did it. I'm still marveling at it.

She effortlessly made Minshoms actions understandable and his reasons sympathetic. Jane was also an intriguing character, a wonderful woman who refused to give up on him even when everyone was telling her that she should. The issues and trauma in this book felt so real and genuine that I teared up on more than one occasion. And I had a real sense of Blaize's love for Jane and hers for him.

The love scenes were so hot and so steamy and I owe that 100% to the emotional connection between these characters. Truly, this book was amazing.