A review by merakianvibes
Sun Keep Rising by Kristen R Lee


First things first, thank you @netgalley for approving this ARC for me. Ive had my eye on this book for awhile. It did not disappoint. Reading this book made me so sad and I could relate so much to it. I was a teen mom. I had my son at 17 and when I became pregnant in high school, everyone looked at me crazy, judged me and told me I wouldn’t amount to anything; including family! In this book B’onca dealt with the same things. She got pregnant at a young age and everyone gave her dirty looks and claimed she wouldn’t be able to do things “normal” teenagers do because she has a baby. I felt for her because hearing people close to you doubt you and tell you that you wont amount to anything because you had a baby at a young age hurts. B’onca’s mom wasn’t a great role model for her. I had high hopes for her mom while reading but she ended up disappointing me.

B’onca is such a strong individual and although she did things that she shouldn’t have done, she went to any extreme to make sure her and her daughter didnt go without. Alot of people judged her as a bad mom based on some of the things she did, but when your back is against the wall and you have nobody to help you.. the only thing you thinking about is making sure your kid is good. I did not like her babys father. He was no good and also his parents were no better. I wish their was a part 2, so i can see what happens with his parents and B’onca. Another sad part in this book is that ytp people were trying to increase prices in her neighborhood to get most of the black people out. I get so upset when I read or hear about stuff like this. The things black people have to deal with are EXHAUSTING!