A review by kellyhager
I'm Just Sayin'!: Three Deaths, Seven Husbands, and a Clone! My Life as a Daytime Diva by Kim Zimmer, Laura Morton


This is an autobiography but really more of a memoir of her life on Guiding Light, where she played the iconic Reva Shayne Lewis. (Yes she had other husbands, but in my mind? ALWAYS Reva Shayne Lewis.)

In case this hasn't come up before, my mom was (and is) a huge fan of CBS' soap operas but of all of them, Guiding Light was her favorite. (Moment of silence, please.) In my hometown, it aired at 3pm, so it was always on when I came home from school. I would usually miss the first few segments* but once I was home, I would watch, too. And it was impossible not to love Reva Shayne.**

So when I saw that Kim Zimmer was releasing an autobiography, I knew I had to read it. I wasn't disappointed, either. While this was definitely more about her professional life than her personal one, I think that makes sense. I mean, odds are everyone who will read this book will do so to learn more about Guiding Light and the people on and off the scenes.

One thing I definitely appreciated was that she was very forthright about mistakes she made and things she wishes she maybe hadn't done. But there's one anecdote in particular that I loved. She confronted a producer at GL about the job she was doing (or wasn't doing, as the case may be) and completely told her off. Show of hands, who would want to do that to their boss? (Or even a coworker?) Read this book and live vicariously. ;)

This was well-written and had a very conversational tone (which I personally need my nonfiction books to have) and was just an incredibly fun read. Recommended to everyone who loves Guiding Light. :) (Especially my mom.)

* = as these were the days before DVRs and even if they weren't, I don't think my mom could've waited the extra 20 minutes. ;)

** = my high school English teacher had a dog named Reva Shayne. True story!