A review by itabar
The Guns Above by Robyn Bennis


This was a fun book. Yes, in a few places it gets a bit bogged down in descriptions, but only a few.

What I liked particularly was the characters. The MC is a hard-ass strong, competent woman with a few flaws. The fop and the man set to spy on her has some absolutely great smart-ass funny lines.

Kate Reading does a fabulous job! I think a large part of my enjoyment of this book was due to her narration.

I am really looking forward to the next in the series.

A snippet from when Josette is given captaincy of an airship by the general:

"The ship's Mistral. It's a new design."

Josette's enthusiasm was momentarily checked for the general had said the two words every airman dreaded, "new design."

Army flight engineers were forever searching for new and more efficient ways to get airmen killed. When they collected enough of them, they put them together in a devious package called a "new design".

But she took heart. At least the general hadn't said "revolutionary new design".

After a sip of tea, the general went on: "My advisors tell me that it's quite revolutionary."

Her heart sank. Like most revolutions, the aerial sort left a lot of dead bodies in its wake and the survivors no better off than before.

My brother's review: "It got to be a little over the top in the end and a little predictable. Still liked it lots."