A review by marshmallowbooks
Bossypants by Tina Fey


It is quite likely that while reading this book you will find yourself in at least one, if not all, of the following situations:

(a) agreeing with every word on the page 100% because you relate so absolutely and are so glad that someone has articulated the very thoughts that were in your head on that subject.

(b) unable to relate at all because the concept you are reading about is so foreign it's like you are learning about it for the first time.

(c) thinking that maybe you should be a little offended at some of the material included in this book, because, warning there is some language, etc. that may not be preferred by readers.

(d) laughing so darn hard - literally rolling on the floor if you are in a room by yourself; turning red because you're plugging your nose to prevent an outburst of hilarity if you're on the bus - because this book is just so incredibly funny, regardless of which of (a), (b), or (c) you are otherwise experiencing.