A review by daphself
Crossing the Waters: Following Jesus Through the Storms, the Fish, the Doubt, and the Seas by Leslie Leyland Fields


I did like this book. But I found it disjointed in writing style which made for a difficult read.
At times I could not connect enough with the author to understand what she was trying to impart to me as a reader. I could not image Israel, since I've never been, and the description was lacking in some areas, but there were many passages that describe what I may never see in this lifetime. After a while I could picture the areas she visited.

As for the visits in Israel, I found at times that she was judgemental of the people, but this humanized her. Showed me that even Christians can judge based on what we see. And how she handles this discovery of herself is with grace and humility.

Her trials, while maybe not as severe as what many people have experienced, were still challenging trials that helps connect the reader to the passages and stories she uses.

What I loved the most? The stories of Alaska.

Her use of Biblical scripture and real life, meshing and weaving them together, created a net that would capture and reader and hold them there.

It was an enjoyable book. And one that would stay with the reader long after the last page is read.

*** I was provided a copy of the book through Tyndale House Publishers in exchange of a complete and honest review***