A review by theawkwardbookw
Brazen: My Unorthodox Journey from Long Sleeves to Lingerie by Julia Haart


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This is the memoir of Julia Haart, an ex-Orthodox Jew turned shoe and fashion designer.

I decided to pick this up after watching My Unorthodox Life Netflix series and all the talk about it on the show. I listened to this on audio, with Julia as the narrator, which I think made for a better experience. I recognized a lot of what she spoke about on the show in the first half of the book, but a lot of the second half I hadn't known. I think if you hadn't watched the show first, it could become very confusing, very quickly. There is a lot of repetition in the book, which can make it drag. The audiobook was 19 hours long, and it definitely could have been cut down if the repetitive parts were taken out. It also ends quite abruptly, glossing over a lot of things I would have wanted to know more about.