A review by siobhanaisling
Leia: Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray


Best Expanded Universe book I’ve read so far. It has probably over taken Lost Stars and Bloodline as my favourites (both also written by Gray... so really, she should just write all of the SW books in the future)!

I adored every page of this book, it was so rich. Leia as a teenager was perfect and believable. Her parents were perfect and it was so rewarding to learn more about her Mum.

Alderaan. Let’s talk about how well Gray makes me mourn for that planet now. Like in A New Hope no one really cares, the only emotion comes from Leia, I you never really get a sense of the loss that comes from losing t eh lament because the action just continues. Gray builds the world of Alderaan through Leia’s eyes, you see how beautiful, how peaceful and how happy the people are. Knowing the whole world is destroyed is heartbreaking, and the constant reference of the fear of this destruction makes it very the more crushing.

What enhanced my experience of this book further was watching season 3/4 of Rebels along side it. I’m sure not many have had this experience. But damn it’s worth it. I feel so immersed in the world, more so than I have ever been.

An amazing book. Definitely a good one to start on if you haven’t read any of the new EU stuff yet!!